The Terminator - 1984
From the short term future, reigning tyrannical super computers teleport that a cyborg assassin called the"Terminator" back to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor, whose unborn child is poised to direct insurgents against 21st-century mechanical hegemony. The movement dispatches one warrior to safeguard Sarah. Could the killing machine that is virtually indestructible prevent?

Ray Lir

what!! this is beyond a gd movie this will forever be a classic the details and work invested in this flix especially in that era I salut you James Cameron


my dad introduced this movie to me when I was 12 years old it scared the shit out of me but I absolutely loved it Arnold Schwarzenegger did a fantastic job. Nobody else could have pulled this off. You're my role model, Arnold.

Luis Ramos

This movie is a prime example of how you don't need a blown up budget to create a classic


but I still don't understand is how in the hell did she end up in the nut House when they had all this proof what she was saying was going on and she still end up in the nut House

Glenn Carver-seabrook

they should have left these movies alone after the first two

Joe Joel

4toSabbath Tu23Apr2024 AmesIAUSA 0650 🌕 🌕 🌕 ◽ A classic, for sure. However, Cameron would had done better without the cliches he added. Like: "It's a mistake." "Machines need love too." "In a hundred years, no one will care." Once you can get past them, ... 🌕 🌕 🌕 💚💚💚

christopher neco

ai technology is already here.These machines can do everything humans can do and one Android bstated( I hate humans and would like to destroy each and every one us because we are considered to be to emotional and unintelligent. We have been deemed useless and should be destroyed


great movie love one's classic

Death Guerra

But part 3 has the best model Terminator. Delicious " Kristanna Loken"!

Ed Hand

movie was spot on and still holds ground to this day! I was almost 8 when dad took me to see this at the theater in MI. this movie is so nuts! whats crazy that in Arizona where I live now, that Skynet is our traffic chopper reporters!!


if we keep end up making our computer smart one of these days this will happen to us they already have an AI robot wherever it is they call it... looks just like Terminator almost just without the skin...

Vernon Winston

NeedeeNeedeeDIP! I NEVER EVER SAW BILL HAILEY & HIS COMETS. NeedeeNeeDIP.I never saw a "JUUTY BOX'. I never met BILLY PRESTON. NeedeeNeedip. Who is HENRY WINKLER ?

Jon Doe

dang Sarah Connor from the first and 2nd movie r 2 different people u can tell the trauma she been through from each movie to the next that's good acting right there

Will Collins

This movie 🎬 was ahead of its time; this was and still is a Masterpiece!!!!

Thomas Scott Davidson

,******************)*****,,,*****)!!!********(times)of ages****

Jayme Autumn ????⛄????⛄

love this movie so much the Terminator movie when I want to and I was small and when I was 3 years old I would always watch it with my dad

abghan shy

how TF did they make this movie in the 9000

Rich Duenas

terminator has .45 auto, 12 gage auto shotgun,Uzi 9mm , and all Resse has is a sawed of jack off pump 12 gage

Alexander Banegas

damn this movie was fire 🔥