The Trump Prophecy - 2018
The true story about public and fireman slave Mark Taylor who heard a message from God. When Mary Colbert, a networker and connector of Christian ministries, discovered Mark's message that she felt called to begin a nationwide prayer movement that climbed to thousands of people across our nation praying together for the direction of America and also a return into the Godly principles we were founded upon. The Trump Prophecy tells the story of Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert throughout the election of 2016 accompanied closely by a reflective time hearing from leaders at many sectors of faith, organization, finance, military, and world affairs who respond to their perspective on what is needed to make America great again.

Mark a Saye

God wanted President Trump to be our president for 8 years not 4. The devil used the demoncrats to steal the election. Watch the movie 2000 Mules, and you will see how they did it.

Scot “scotty” Charron

and then it was taken if we could've kept him in things would have been good

Scot “scotty” Charron

God shoulda been spread more the last month of election, cause these left radicals really truly need him.... baddddddddd!!

Scot “scotty” Charron

just think wouldn't have been something, that trump won the election and God won everyone..... ha!!!!