Cruella - 2021
The evil exploits of Cruella de Vil, the villain from 101 Dalmatians.

Kenique Parker

great movie from the beginning to the end I always thought she was crazy but now I understand wow it's so crazy how you can get the wrong understanding but now when you get the right understanding and makes more sense love it

Chelsea Sosa

I've watched this so many times. Emma stone did an absolute amazing role in this. I love it so much!!🀭


Loved this movie and the lesson behind it to never judge a book by its cover. Everyone has a story.

Wendy Corbett

BRILLIANT!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―I absolutely love this movie!!! when she pushed her off the cliff 😳😫 I was like it can't end like this lol Great movie

Wendy Corbett

Poor Horris, Cruella threw his "Krispies" on the floor he looked so heart broken πŸ’” LOL

Des Lws

this is 1 badass movie should c movie of the decade i love it forever

Wendy Corbett

She's perfect for this role!! She's amazing with the accent too!!πŸ’―

Wendy Corbett

I love how she's so calm even after knowing that the baroness killed her mother she's got a bigger plan at Play

Wendy Corbett

omg that poor lady in the begining dieing like that & in front of her poor daughter 😫

Cole maskell

in my opinion this could be one of Emma's best movies she killed it with her deviousness and her accent πŸ‘

Mikell Shuler

I'm loving it but there's too much buffing

Everet Tabor

This is one hell of an origin story for the one and only Cruella De Vil.

Tammy DeBoard

How come the cliff looks smaller when her mom went over? It's much bigger at the end of the movie.


okay so I love this movie a lot more than I thought I was going to it first. this is purely brilliantπŸ–€πŸ€πŸ–€πŸ€πŸ–€πŸ€


I remember when I was young the movies weren't like this my wife and I and our daughters love this movie I love this app


The thing about cruella, she may seem crazy but it's the crazy things that make someone truly an exceptional genius.

Harold Davis

Great movie love the way how she became Cruella.


No, Kenique is right it is a great movie start to finish even if Kenique is wrong about the crazy bit, Estella/Cruella is a MPD(multiple personality disorder).

Michael Sweet

Great soundtrack especially at the clothing store scene, The Doors "5 to 1" was the perfect song. 🀟


beautiful absolutely marvelous movie made