Gods of Egypt - 2016
A frequent thief unites a god onto a pursuit through Egypt.

Tammy DeBoard

Well since I wrote my last post I have been saved by the one and only God. There is no other God's except the one who made you and me and everything else. I Love God and Thank him everyday for everything. And I love everyone as he wants us to.

Tammy DeBoard

How come almost every movie I see about God's they all bleed gold? I like this movie a lot of action.

Ke'hinde' Ase'

Like Charles Heston as Mose and Liz Claiborne as Cleopatra. This is a PSA. *plagiarized*allegories*whitewashing


did y'all see how they made the earth flat or am I tripping

Teresa Keene

but just say there was another gauze other things here before he made his hands we are not the same we don't know because that's what the mystery of everything in history is but I know there's one living God cuz I've died twice I know there's one living God and that's Jesus Chris


This movie was done so well, deserves more recognition

Tammy DeBoard

At 59:27 doesn't that kinda look like Stonehenge in the back to the left?


it's only a movie my God you people please get a grip on reality

Tony Alley

this movie is awesome. love it

Tammy DeBoard

At 59:28 that sure looks like Stonehenge to me.

axle martin

great movie . like all God bases of any form of higher lifeforms. all fake but cool to watch

Terri Bennett

hi you mother fuckers

Jon Smith

1 thing that bugs me is they all speak like English ppl

Jamie Martin

being a coptic Egyptian. loving this movie.

Robert Perez

it's a very good movie