Hulk - 2003
A researcher with a past, bruce Banner, suffers massive radiation vulnerability in his lab that induces him to transform into a raging green monster once he gets angry.
Tammy DeBoard
Ok Ok I get it you have to make money by showing ads. But the pop-up ads every 10 seconds or so is way to far. You all have a good app but are ruining it with WAY to many ads.
Brandon Meadows
this was my favorite movie and my only number one movie ever seen of the hulk it's my number one out of all the hulk movies I've seen so far
my favorite Bruce banner/hulk 🔥
The Killer
my favorite part of the movie is when hulk fights the dogs
Glenn Carver-seabrook
I like Sam Elliott, Jennifer Connelly, Nick Nolte and Lou Ferigno. But, I agree that this movie is too cartoonish.
Tomas Grigley
did anybody see how that dog bit down on that nigga nuts 😅
then he punched that mf dog in his nuts 🤦🏽♂️
Andrea Milner
Hulk is my favourite
Richard Fernandez
ang lee's hulk still on the big green with smash bros
Judah Ben Israel
most ppl didn't like this one but this version is the best one compared to the nerfed mcu version
Cameron Whobrey
Cameron Bayleigh Whobrey
Glenn Carver-seabrook
The hulk dogs are too much.
Jeremiah Bierma
tip: get premium
Jon Doe
tbh mark rufalo was the best hulk out there this one is to cartoonish
Willie Ray
give me Love The hulk jagass
Don Rivera
l Know Me Too l love this Hulk 2003 Movie.
HULK,,,smash premium. raàaaaaa
Willis Race
willis race
love youass fock
Bentley Cottrell
I don't get the beginning of the movie
my favorite Bruce Brenner hulk 🔥
sunnie bite
when I go 2 it hurts
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