Lemonade Mouth - 2011
The story follows five disparate kids - Olivia, Mo Stella, along with Wen that meet in detention. They comprehend that they have been destined to rock, and form a ring that becomes a winner for students.

Kaelie Brant

Olivia looks like teddy from good luck Charlie

Chris Fievre

love the movie if only they did tv series

Kaelie Brant

haven't seen this movie in forever

Deonta Baskin

amazing movie

Danielle O'Connor

I love this movie

Goth Boy666 (GothBoy666)

the music reminds me of Kelly Clarkson

Jean Ayi

am in love with this move

Kaelie Brant

i love this movie

Dannika House

I love this movie

Heather Adams

lemonade mouth