Moment of Contact - 2022
Centered on a series of events that occurred back in 1996 when many citizens of Varginha, Brazil, reported seeing a UFO crash along with one or more strange creatures.

D.j. Self Star.

there is to much space , the universe is to big, God is to great and powerful, imagine what we can imagine, than picture God's imagination. I believe if one can muster what ever comes to mind is cause it really exists.

Joseph Bochichio

All the debris, including any bodily remains are carted in a wooden box,logged in the Smithsonian somewhere where 'eyes only' means 'No One' is or will ever be granted access to see. It is all circular and designed that way. Presidents ask but they are strongly advised to move on

Jason Gomez

this is so amazing, and I am so blown away by everything that was said, and done by this investigator. Especially about the men in black showing up, and trying to silence all the witnesses. That just confirms that there stories are true.


what we need to do is set up hidden cameras and create a hoax a fake UFO crash see the military show up and take everything away and catch them all on camera covering it up!!!

Alejandro Pompa

when I was watching this ..there were related categories at the bottom..lofl and not one is related at all.not even documentaries!!! get your shit together!

busby hobson

l believe the peoples testimony because of their reactions an body language.


This is real. they are here....and have been for eons


the United States definitely bought that creature from their broke ass corrupt government officials


thank God they're no longer Catholics and recognize that Catholics are centered on to Satan.


I couldn't help but feel bad for the aliens. is that weird ? maybe but just being honest


aliens are terrified of me. I swear the little fucker one hiss like cats. I seen it


the military would have to kill me to get anything that I recover

