A Beautiful Mind - 2001
John Nash is a mathematician schizophrenia. After he accepts secret work in cryptography, his life requires a turn to your nightmarish.
Jeffery Scherrer
it is very lonely here...always by myself, even in a crowd. Voices and faces come and go...perfectly timed. What is real and what is not, changing places like musical chairs. Always spinning and going nowhere has grown me tired. Not much longer, and I will find rest.
Heaven Keene
I feel like I am a schizo after watching this, I had a hard time detecting fantasy and reality
Thomas Dennis
Awesome Movie... Really enjoyed, have a Brother and a few friends who suffer the same. And I love them...
Amazing how he silenced the voices...
Andrea Milner
Loved this film
Mark “Nunya” Atkinson
I fricken hate they try to railroad you into useing there cast program. Always trying to fuck you over a dollar.
Jesus Bazurto
good movie
Linda Bosonetto
can't get movie to play
Victoria Long
I love this movie
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